Rules of da blog

I do have a few rules-Feel free to leave comments but keep 'em clean.My opinions and your opinions are just that-opinions and nothing more.You can voice yours,I can voice mine-we can agree or we can agree to disagree,just keep it clean.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

To my lovely wife, Kay

I never meant to hurt you the way that I have. Your love means more to me than anything and I'll do anything to prove that to you. My heart breaks when I think about what I have done to you. Since the day I met you, your love touch my heart in a way nothing else ever has. Without you, my life would be empty. Please forgive me for all the pain that I have cause you? I promise with each passing day that I will do whatever it takes to make it up to you. Baby, you have my heart and my love and I promise to never hurt you again.

Loving you always,

1 comment:

dean said...

brother... i saw your post in my bloglines. i know this is personal to your wife, but i wanted to say it takes a man to publicly apologize and pour his heart out like you have. youhave not only my admiration, but my prayers as well.