This week I would like to change things up a bit.So if you will bear with me...
The people who know me,know there are very few loves in my life:God,my wife,my kids and my family-not necessarily in that order.
I am married to a beautiful,smart woman and I tell people that I keep falling deeper in love with her each passing day.I am one lucky man that she has stayed with me all of these years,especially after all of the hell that I have put her through.
She has also given me three beautiful children.
My oldest girl,who has Down Syndrome,has taught me alot,especially how to love unconditionally.She has the most innocent little smile and the sweetest hugs.She started third grade this year and I am scared to death for her.It is such a new,big world for her.
My middle child,my son,has got to be one of the smartest kids that I have ever been around.He just started the second grade and is already teaching his old man things that I didnt know before.I made him a deal this year.I told him that if he made all A's that his mother and I would buy him an Xbox 360,not thinking that he would do so with ease.
My third child and youngest,my baby girl,is the tough, no nonsense, dont mess with me, type of child,but she is still my princess.Unfortunately she is back in Kindergarten this year.Dont get me wrong,she is a smart cookie,but we felt like she just wasnt quite ready to go on to 1st grade yet.
I know that I am just rambling on and on,but one of our family members is having medical problems currently and it got me to thinking.At any given moment,one of my loves can be taken from me.That would just kill me.So I ask you,when your see your wife or husband,tell them that you love them,hug your kids,kiss them,love them like there is no tomorrow and thank the good lord up above for each passing day that you get to spend with them.
so sweet, jamie!
it is so good to see a daddy dote on those babies and i know it's good for your woman to hear your words about her too.
i'm still praying for your family.
awww! how sweet! you are the greatest! kt is am awesome person and i hope that through the "blogworld" we can get to know each other a little better! thanks for the comment on my layout!!
Thanks for the encouragement! Praying for you and your family...
Yes, I am sure KT was very happy to read that! Us women are always writing about how we feel blessed. It is awesome to see you do the same. And, you are very blessed, and they are blessed to have you in their life too!
It is very nice to hear those things coming from a man. I think I'll let my husband read your blog. LOL!
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