My name is Jamie and I am a die hard Arkansas Razorback fan.I have been cheering them on since I was in diapers.I love the hogs whether they go all the way or lose every game.This blog will be a testament to that fact.I will throughtout the lifetime of this blog discuss seasons,players, the coaches and maybe throw a little sentimentality into the mix.
But it doesnt just end at the hogs.I may also write on other topics,excluding politics and religion.For example,I may write about my favorite local highschool football games-or about my wife and kids.You never know till you show up, what is going through this mind of mine.
I do have a few rules-Feel free to leave comments but keep 'em clean.My opinions and your opinions are just that-opinions and nothing more.You can voice yours,I can voice mine-we can agree or we can agree to disagree,just keep it clean.
Looking forward to this years seasons....See you at the game!
For more information on the above listed bowl games go to Houston

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